Conveying my heart,

If you’ve ever run a social media channel, you know how difficult it is to find content material to introduce and promote your brand. At this point, if the brand story has an organized perspective on the environment, it will not only be good content in itself, but it can also contribute to finding content materials that fit the brand well, such as products, people, and daily life.

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2022 be in the works


Astraw | Eco-Friend

expression of experience

Environmental issues become a long-term standard for business. It not only suggests the direction the brand should take, but also creates a consistent business. There are already too many products out there and nothing is completely new. Conversely, even if the product is not very new or special, if the story incorporated into the brand is interesting, it can sufficiently attract the public’s attention. If
advertising or other promotional methods cannot be used extensively, focus on stories that can increase brand influence. Girl Astro offers suggestions.

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The smaller the brand, the more impactful the story is. If you can’t use much advertising or other promotional tools, ‘stories’ that anyone can create and spread are your greatest asset. What’s really fortunate is that the whole world has started an environmental movement. We provide a story to this, and brands create standards through that story

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